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The internet news portal called in cooperation with the IR Intelligent Region® Business Communications Ltd. presents successful corporations in Szeged in the future

In the future the together with the IR Intelligent Region® Business Communication Ltd., introduce to the readers such entrepreneurs and companies of Szeged, who have successfully used the possibilities afforded by the proposals, or implemented investments with their own contribution. For the ongoing GOP, DAOP, KEOP proposals please visit the Proposals menu.

Those companies and firms will be presented for whose success the IR Ltd.’s services also contributed, and they may be an example for other businesses to take advantage of development opportunities offered by the proposals and start the tendering operation.

The first guest of the serie will be Mr Zoltán Mágori, who is the managing dierctor of the MERCATOR Trading Ltd. He will introduce the on-line sales system serving the special needs of the company developed by the IR Intelligent Region® Business Communication Ltd.

Throughout the webshop more than 12 thousand food products and other household goods will be available soon not only for retailers and wholesalers, but also for individuals.

IR Intelligens Régió Üzleti Kommunikációs Kft.