Project management

EU funded projects

Project preparation services



On-line Services

Hungary's priority goal until 2030 is to increase economic and social competitiveness - at the same time as catching up with disadvantaged regions.
One of the most important tools for achieving this vision is support from EU funds. Our services for large investments are available.
Hungary has already prepared its Operational Programme to apply for the proposals financed by the European Union in the 2014-2020 period. These programs completely fit for the Európa 2020 strategy and including further thematic objectives.
IR Intelligent Region Business Communication Ltd has gained professional experience in recent years, thus offers expert assistance for establishing transnational and cross-border cooperation financed by the European Union.
Our company has high level of experience, references and the necessary character of organisational skills in project management, writing tenders and feasibility studies.
The preparation of business plans, cost-benefit analyzes related to investments / CBA / feasibility studies, business model strategies is essential to obtain development resources for the investment, whether it is a bank, subsidized loan or EU investment. Almost all projects are essential and the most important determining part of the selection process. They can be found in the references.
IR Intelligent Region Business Communication Ltd provides professional services in start-up process, design, implementation and control part of different projects as well, which may add significant value to the projects awaiting implementation.
The tenders co-financed by the European Union can be expected to become available again in the second quarter of 2023. For the selected and available tenders, disclosing the disqualifying factors preparing the budget preparing the market survey after summarizing the necessary business plan and other supporting documents,, or uploading it into the electronic system provided by the auctioneer.